zondag 6 juni 2010

Householders to be given new rights to defend themselves against intruders


Following several high-publicity cases in which homeowners violently defended themselves against intruders who formed a threat for them and their families, one of which resulted in a the murder of a 16-year old burglar, the discussion around the topic of home protection has sparked off. Justice secretary Kenneth Clarke has proposed an increase in legal protection for homeowners who fight off intruders when police interference has not been possible, including passerby intervention and actions of selfless heroism. The plan has been criticized by senior police officers, who fear that it could lead to dangerous vigilante and exploitation when not regulated properly.

The propose inclines to populist attitudes, in my opinion. The legal protection goes along perfectly with the constantly increase in feelings of insecurity in the last years. Indeed it could lead to dangerous situations in which trigger-happy homeowners seek safety behind illegal firearms and improvised weaponry, and relying on their safe status in court. Another consequence could be a decrease in confidence in police forces. The public no longer relies on police safety, but rather takes the law in its own hands, leading to more deaths than with police intervention. I fear this all could lead to the iconic American ‘get off of my property’ mentality.

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