dinsdag 22 juni 2010

Boy detained for Facebook insult murder in London


A 16-year-old boy, whose identity is concealed, was ordered to serve a jail sentence of at least 14 years today, after a murder he committed last December. The then 15-year-teenager stabbed a former 18-year-old friend to death after he called the younger teenager a ‘pussy’ on the social networking website Facebook. Their former friendship turned into an ongoing fight between the two, with name calling back and forth in real life and on Facebook. Judge Nicholas Loraine-Smith condemned the stabbing as ‘an act of cowardice’. The defendant did not deny the stabbing, but claimed it was self-defence.

In my opinion, this is a deserved punishment. The teenager simply stabbed his former friend because felt a loss of honour, and he wanted to express his manliness, a pathetic thing to do over the life of another. Killing is never justified, not even for name-calling. One peculiar thing about this news case is that it is titled as if it is a murder committed over Facebook. It almost implies that Facebook is the cause of this poor death. But the thing is, he might as well have called him ‘pussy’ on the telephone or in a letter, but the website Facebook is strongly mentioned.

1 opmerking:

  1. I agree with you that this kind of crime deserves punishment but I think the "facebook-generation" should be seriously educated or informed about this kind of online violence which escalates in real life. There are so many incidents that start through online communities so, in my opinion, the boy should serve jail time but maybe not for 14 years and I think he should be treated by a psychologist or at least a specialist that deals with teenagers which are out of control. I do agree with you on that the media makes it sound like facebook is partially to blame for this type of crime and they do not react the same on incidents that start over the phone or another type of communication.
