maandag 3 mei 2010

Brown apologises for ‘bigoted woman’ remark.

After a short, but heated conversation with sixty-five year old Gillian Duffy about several issues that regarded her directly, Prime Minister and Labour leader Gordon Brown did not notice that his radio microphone was still functioning as the sensitive ear of the press. Off-camera, as Brown drove away, he expresses his annoyance of the woman, and reportedly called her a ‘bigoted woman’. When asked about the incident on Radio 2 later that day, Gordon Brown expressed his regret. Brown later apologised to the life-long Labour voter Duffy in person on the phone, but the woman still expressed her dissatisfaction despite the apology.

As a human, it is quite understandable that their voters can annoy a politician, when they criticise what they may not understand, for example. But a public figure that is so depended on it’s own voters should always be very correct in their expressions. Degrading a simple voter is never wise, even in the seemingly safe environment of a closed car. The press is everywhere. Sadly for Brown, this blunder comes at the worst time he could have possibly feared. The elections are at the doorstep and his reputation is the lowest in his career. Could he have committed political suicide?